Our next concert series, Renaissance Treasures is coming soon:

From Dusk to Dawn, our first concert series for 2024, is coming on the 18th and 19th May

We are excited to present our first concert series for 2024, From Dusk to Dawn, featuring Matthew Schultz (musical director) and Margaret Phillips (accompanist). Take a look at the flyer for details about the program. Saturday 18th May, 3PM, at Benalla Uniting Church and Sunday 19th May, 3PM, at Wangaratta Uniting Church Hall. We hope to see you there!

2023 Christmas concerts

We hope you can join us for our festive concerts in Benalla and Wangaratta

Three Choirs Festival September 2023

Join us for our collaboration between Vocal Dimension Choir, Murray Concert Choir and Beechworth Singers.

Saturday 9th September, 2:30PM, Scots School Albury.

Sunday 10th September, 2:30PM, Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta

Tickets available from: Cinema Centre Albury, TryBooking, and participating choristers.

$25 & $20 concession

Scenes From Our May 2023 Concert

Next concert series in rehearsal: Life, Love, Death and Taxes.

Rehearsals are well under way for our next concert series: Life, Love, Death and Taxes, under the baton of our talented guest conductor, Matthew Schultz.

Performances: 3PM Saturday 27th May 2023 at the Benalla Uniting Church, 3 PM Sunday 28th May 2023 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta.

Our 2022 Christmas program rehearsals have begun

We are now rehearsing for our 2022 Christmas Concerts, which will be held on:

Friday 9th December, 7:30PM at Benalla Uniting Church

Saturday 10th December, 7:30PM at Wangaratta Uniting Church

Keep those dates free as it promises to be a mix of well known favourites and some beautiful pieces you may not be familiar with. More to follow, closer to the date.

Autumn concert August 2022

Vocal Dimension have pleasure in inviting you to our first concert series of 2022.

Resuming rehearsals 30th March 2022

We are very happy to announce that, after a long hiatus, Vocal Dimension is resuming rehearsals on Wednesday 30th March 2022, from 7:30 to 9:00PM, at the CWA hall, Templeton Street, Wangaratta.
The concert date is yet to be confirmed, but is expected to be in August 2022.
We invite all who have been singing with us in recent times to come along. We also encourage others who have expressed an interest in singing with us to come along and try us out.
Participation is dependant on demonstrated proof of at least two COVID vaccinations, preferably three.

2022 program

29th January 2022
Vocal Dimension wish you all a very happy New Year and we are hoping there will be more live music for us all in 2022.
We are planning to resume rehearsals, and performances, as soon as it is safe to do so.
Please watch this space for updates.
Enquiries are welcome.